
Product Manufacturers

Product Manufacturers

If you manufacture a product that needs to demonstrate the best in fire resistance, then finding a fire resistant coating that really works but without toxicity or difficult application requirements can be tough. You need a paint that can be applied to a wide variety of substrates and perform under virtually any fire risk scenario. Contego is the answer.

Contego intumescent paint gets the job done with long term reliability. We are a trusted name in the fire protection industry and many top companies use Contego to keep themselves and their customers safe. You can reduce your product liability risk, giving your end users the best product possible while keeping manufacturing costs within budget.

Contego is super thin, paper smooth and wonderfully aesthetic. Our fire resistant paint has a pleasant scent, zero VOC’s, and is completely non-toxic, both in the can and during a burn.  Contego easily integrates into your manufacturing process and does not put your employees or customers at risk.

Ask for a sample kit to learn more about how Contego is revolutionizing the world of fire resistant coatings.